When you are backpacking around on a tight budget, even the small things like what you’re going to have for breakfast becomes exciting, as well as a challenge. What can you make out of a few ingredients when you don’t have a fridge to store things in? Well I’m not sure if that was the reason, but I’m classing The Store as the best breakfast I’ve EVER had. Bold statement I know.
So what did this amazing breakfast include? Well, it had the usual sausages, mushrooms, tomato, hash browns and fried eggs. However, the eggs were perfectly cooked just the way I like with a running yoke, with cracked black pepper and salt. With the bonus addition of spring onions, tons of butter, salsa and slices of fresh bread. All these aspects resulted in a winning combination in my hungry eyes!
I love a place that makes a few twists on the classic fry up so if you ever find yourself between Blenheim and Kaikoura, then go to ‘The Store’ for the best breakfast ever!